Hints and Links for New Researchers ........
Created | Updated Apr 4, 2010

If you've made it this far you're doing fine
Just settle down and take your time
I'll take your hand and lead you through
And show this

Welcome - How did I know that it is you ??? Easy!! It's a little H2G2 trick called a <VIEWER/> tag
if you go onto another researchers space and see your name there..don't worry..it shows the nickname of any researcher who visits the page.....some <VIEWER/> tags can be a bit 'unsettling' - it's ok..they're harmless..

This page is now available in these styles ....
Classic Goo
Check them out and then try the different "skins" on your own space by hitting the Preferences button and selecting your favourites - Go On!! - You know you want to, and I KNOW that you can do it!
Smileys - aka Emoticons
The first thing new researchers usually ask is "How do you do those

If you go to The Smiley Page you can see them all - and there are more "in development" - learn how to do them, and even print out a "handy reference guide"!

Just one note:
If you want to use smileys in your Intro or in a Guide entry the syntax is <SMILEY TYPE="huh"/>
Right Then .... We're Off 
But before we start - here's a hint:
As you travel round, you will find more and more interesting things.
Do not worry about getting lost, you can always return "home" by clicking on the "My Space" button on each page.
I also strongly suggest that you take note of the House Rules before beginning to post. They're there to protect you and others during your use of the great H2G2. Some of it can be quite confusing and the terminology may not be familiar to those who are new to the internet. Remember, though, the ACEs are here to help you with any query you have and to give you help every step of the way whilst you settle down.
Now for the Good Stuff!!
The "Italics" (they are the people who run this place - so-called because their names are displayed in bold italics - God Bless 'Em) have left a message for newcomers at Welcome it's got a lot of the basic background and how-tos that you will need - a good place to start
Then you can take the H2G2 Tour at A317459 to see how it all works

If some of the H2G2 terms leave you a little confused, there is a great page about it at h2Jargon (thanks to Dastardly for this great page)
and to learn about some of the "idiosyncracies" of H2G2 (and there a quite a few

Tired yet??
Time for a break....
Grab a

Have a

Take your pick - you deserve it - you're doing really well

Feeling better?? .... Right then - on we go ... 
Now that you are getting the hang of this place, where to now??

Another hint:
To make the best of this place you need to get out and meet people - it's just like real life - if you sit in your room (your personal space) and just post messages there, no one will see, except you. It's like writing a note for someone and leaving it on the notice-board in your room

"OK then, but where do I go??" you ask.
Well here are some suggestions - but before you go please have a look at this page Jack's Unwritten Posting Rules created by Jack Naples. It's a sort of "How to Make Friends, Save Time and Keep That Foot Out of Your Mouth" page

The Post is h2g2's own newspaper - it comes out weekly and there's lots to read and do.
The Post also has a great page of links that will lead you to lots of clubs, associations, and even the odd drinking establishment

So, why not go to The h2g2 Post's Links Page and join the fun.
You'll find lots of things to see and do on the The Front Page which you can always get to by clicking on the h2g2 logo on any page.
Is there something that you want to chat about? If you can't find it with the search window, you might like to visit Miscellaneous Chat and start your own conversation.
Ever had a question and not known where to find the answer? Ever had an answer and been dying to tell someone? Then Ask H2G2 is for you.
Do you love games? Want to play or even just talk about playing games? Try The Games Room a forum for word games, teasers, puzzles, board games and computer games.
Yet another hint:
Every conversation you take part in will be listed on your page, these are your "threads". Every time someone posts after you, the thread will be refreshed on your page. You can then return and reply if you wish.
If you hit the "posted" link it will take you to the last time that you posted in the thread (good for checking what's happened since then) If you hit the "last reply" it will take you to the last post in the thread.
On your conversation list you will see, after each conversation, "(X new posts)" - this little gadget, when hit, will take you to the next unread post on that thread - clever eh? - no need to mark your place - hootoo does it for you

When you no longer wish to participate in a particular conversation, you can click the "unsubscribe" link just below it, and the thread will be removed from your page. Then click on "my space" to return home.
If you have any "curly" questions about how all these conversation or "threads" work there's even a page for you - try h2g2 FAQ: Conversations on h2g2
What else??
Well .....
You may also like to subscribe to the H2G2 Announcements page to be informed of new developments and site news.
If you are interested in developing your space - adding pics and stuff - have a look at Spicing Up Your User Page for some really helpful hints.
If you want to write an article for the Guide - the best place to start is at at Contributing to the Guide to see how we do it here and what processes you need to follow.
Here's an explanation from Gnomon
which may help ...
There are hundreds of thousands of entries in h2g2, and anybody can make a new one at any time. You can make it fact, fiction, anything you like. Unless you check the "Submit for Review" button nobody checks it except you - but anybody searching using the h2g2 Search button may come across your entry.
Well written entries which are factual may be submitted to the Edited Guide. This is the "best of h2g2" and it is these entries that are shown on the Front Page each day. It's a slow process getting entries up to this standard, so we can only produce two or three a day. What you see on the Front Page is all the new Edited Entries for the day. Edited Entries form the "Guide Proper", in that they are the part of h2g2 which is checked, rechecked and we will stand over as fact. If you find anything wrong in an Edited Entry, you can let us know and we will fix it. At the moment there are about 7,000 Edited Entries.
Want to read a Guide Entry but don't know where to start??
Try the Infinite Improbability Drive - you never know what you'll find

and finally .... 
Remember - at h2g2 there is always help available.

You can click here to see who's online. Or you can use the button on each page
Then you can contact an ACE or Guru to ask for assistance.
Here's a drop-down list of the ACEs:
Here's a drop-down list of the Gurus:
Or leave a message on this page - I'll get back to you as soon as possible.PS: H2G2 is a huuuge pool to dip your toes into, and yes, you do have to watch out for pond scum - but that's like life isn't it

You'll find that there are places where you'll fit right in and others where you wouldn't WANT to fit it - but that's what the "unsubscribe" button is for

There are lots of different kinds of people - some that you will like and some that you won't - but mostly there are wonderful people who are wise, funny, smart and the occasional one who is simply indescribable and unique.
Come to think of it, that's the wonderful thing about hootoo - it can be whatever you make it - if you don't like this corner of the site or that group of people there are always others that you can seek out